Rotate circular variable shift_var to minimize the distance between ref_var and shift_var. Because the origin of the cell cycle phases is arbitrary, we transform the angles prior to computing the distance (rotation and shifting). After this, one can apply circ_dist to compute the distance between the output value and ref_var.

rotation(ref_var, shift_var)



A vector of reference angles.


A vector of angles to be compared to ref_var.


The transformed value of shift_var after rotation and shifting.


# Create a vector of angles. theta_ref <- seq(0,2*pi, length.out=100) # Shift the origin of theta_ref to pi. theta_compare <- shift_origin(theta_ref, origin = pi) # Rotate theta_compare in a such a way that the distance between # theta_ref and theta_compare is minimized. theta_compare_rotated <- rotation(ref_var=theta_ref, shift_var=theta_compare) par(mfrow = c(1,2)) plot(x=theta_ref, y = theta_compare) plot(x=theta_ref, y = theta_compare_rotated)